在韓國時,NH已經幫我準備好所有文件跟照片,回去隔天立刻去駐香港的韓國領事館辦F61 VISA,因為文件都已經準備齊全,星期一交完文件,在星期五便可以去Interview,隔幾天,就拿到VISA啦,這次很順利,真的要感謝一位香港女生,她也是從香港嫁到韓國的女生,她告訴我從2014年1月開始要準備的文件比之前多,因為我之前都没有注意到有改,不然我這次回去又辦不成功了...
跟朋友去了牛陣吃火鍋 |
回來韓國前去郵局寄了兩箱香港食物跟香港醬油,還買了兩雙鞋子... |
在家收拾東西時,無意中發現在中學時候朋友寄給我的信,看了一下,很好的回憶啊... |
今年生日吃了四個生日蛋糕,上面兩個是NH在韓國買給我的蛋糕,下面的是香港買的蛋糕.左下面是媽媽買給我的,右下面的是香港 朋友買的...還是覺得香港的蛋糕比較好吃,韓國的太甜.. |
在香港飲茶真的又便宜又好吃 |
還有在深水埗有一間蠻有名的蝦子麵店,真的很好吃... |
在旺角的潮州打冷,也好好吃,這次回去我跟不同的的朋友來這間店吃了兩次東西... |
這一餐是跟媽媽慶祝生日的生日飯... |
滿記甜點的榴槤班戟也很棒啊... |
刪除要準備既文件有好多,可以直接下午打話去駐香港既韓國領事館簽証部問: 2862 1580
1. Visa application form - Applicants must fill out and sign the application form with a colored photograph(sized 3.5×4.5㎠)affixed.
2. Passport - Three months or more should be left on passport expiration date.
o Both copies of the identification page of passport and residence visa of Hong Kong or Macau should be submitted.
- Applicants who have HK passport, Macau passport, HKDI, Macau TP do not have to submit a copy of residence visa.
3. Copy of Identification Card - Submit a copy of Hong Kong or Macau ID card
- Not applicable to the applicants who have HK passport, Macau passport, HKDI or Macau TP, or who pass through Hong Kong temporarily
4. Invitation letter, and statement of invitation purpose
5. Documentary evidence for marital relation from both governments(Must obtain an apostille or notarization from consular offices of the Republic of Korea within the jurisdiction)
o Family relationship registry certificate and marital relation certificate (Indicate previous marriage history)
o Hong Kong: Certified copy of marriage registry, registration details proof (Marriage certificate which is issued at the wedding will not be considered.)
6. Certificate of Good Character(Refer to attachment, guarantee period: 3 years) on the applicant prepared by the invitor
7. A copy of identification and passport of the inviter
8. An original copy of employment certificate of inviter in Korea(Issued for the last three months)
9. Financial ability proof documents in Korea(Issued for the last three months)
Example: Bank transactions statement and account balance in Korea (issued by bank), Real estate registry certificate, a copy of vehicle registration card, etc
10. Document proving residential address in Korea (Issued for the last three months)
Example: Real estate registry certificate or lease contract of the residential address
11. Certificate of credit information inquiry of the inviter (Issued by the Korea Federation of Banks within the last three months)
12. Other authenticity proof for marital relation (wedding photos, international marriage authentication from a lineal relation, etc)
13. certification or certification number from information program of international marriage (Issued by Korean Immigration Office)
你可以上呢個網到睇下,好似4月1 日又轉左啲制度:
hello 我有好多問題想請教你,可否e mail contact ??
回覆刪除ma email : clivenic@ymail.com
Nicole Cheung
Email: Karenyau@live.hk